“If you’ve seen one concussion, you’ve seen one concussion!”
No two concussions are the same. Each one is unique!Dr. Steven R. Flanagan
Co – Director of NYU Langone’s Concussion Center
Rusk Rehabilitation
Raising Awareness of Sports and Non-Sports Related Concussions
Concussions Matter, Inc. is a non-profit organization started by Jenna Mosenson to help educate coaches, parents, athletes and the general public about sports and non – sports related concussions. Our mission is to also establish support groups for both people suffering from the effects of concussions and their caregivers.
Jenna will be working in partnership with The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) and will serve as a founding member of the Youth Concussion Council for the organization. Jenna will also share her personal story at BIANYS trainings and will advocate on behalf of students and youth with brain injury.
“The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) is proud to support survivors like Jenna who use their experience with brain injury to make a positive impact in the community. Raising awareness about concussion prevention and treatment aligns with our mission and we are thrilled to work with others on this issue.”
-Eileen Reardon, Executive Director of the Brain Injury Association of New York State.
From the Blog
Jenna presents at BIANYS 35th Annual Convention In Saratoga
Jenna and her parents were one of the presenters and Concussions Matter was a sponsoring organization at the BINAYS 35th Annual “One Voice for Injury” Convention and Professional Symposium in Saratoga, New York from June 14 th to June 16 th . It was an incredible...
4th Annual Zanderfest 5K Run/Walk for The UNTOLD Foundation
On May 20th, I spoke at the 4th Annual Zanderfest 5K Run/Walk for The UNTOLD Foundation in Washington Crossing, PA. This foundation was founded by the Thomas family, in honor of their son, Willy Alexander “Zander” Thomas, who took his own life from the effects of...
I spoke at the West Babylon Main Street Association meeting
On May 10th, I spoke at the West Babylon Main Street Association meeting, an organization that works to improve their community. This meeting consisted of business owners, community leaders, civil service workers and political representatives. This speaking engagement...
Jenna Speaks at New York State Trial Lawyers Association Program
I was a speaker at a wonderful presentation put on by event chair Kenneth B. Goldblatt, Esq., from Goldblatt & Associates, P.C., the Orthopedic and Brain Injury Law Group. The presentation was available to plaintiff lawyers and was offered by the New York State Trial...
Jenna Presents to Suffolk County Association of School Nurses
I had the opportunity to speak to a group of 45 nurses from the Suffolk County Association of School Nurses on March 15, 2017. This was an amazing group and one of the most rewarding to date. Many of the nurses asked me some wonderful questions that should help them...
Jenna Attends Head Injury Association / NYIT Celebrity Sports Forum
Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, I attended the Head Injury Awareness Celebrity Sport’s Forum put on by NYIT Center for Sports Medicine and the Head Injury Association. It was a very exciting event for me because the year before was my first public speaking engagement at...
Jenna Speaks to Freeport School District Social Workers and Psychologists
Friday, March 24th, 2017 I spoke along with Margo Singer, BIANYS Training Program Coordinator and made a presentation to psychologists and social workers from the Freeport School District. I told my story about my life with concussions and what I have gone through and...
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